Dr Mrinali Goswami Puzari

Joined Lakhimpur Kendriya Mahavidyalaya on 20 Feb, 1994
Research Interest:
Specialized Courses:


1. UGC-Approved Short Term Professional Development Programme on " Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers", June 12-20,2023, organised by IGNOU, New Delhi.

2.Attended one week Faculty Development Programme on "Behavioural  Remodeling and use of ICT Tools for Classroom Delivery of Teachers,organised by E and ICT Academy IIT Guwahati in association with IQAC, Kherajkhat College, Lakhimpur ,Assam on 28th June to 4th July,2019.

3.National Level Online Orientation Programme on National Education Policy(NEP)2020:Higher Education and Teacher Education, 12th-17th October,2020,organised by Dept of Education & IQAC, Gandhigram Rural Institute,Tamilnadu


Experience in college Administration and Governance :


Community Service